The main purpose of your Intranet or Internal Network is to provide personnel with access to shared resources within your retail organization. You can make the most out of your Intranet when you implement a retail software system like CCM by Chainformation. It provides mailing, messaging, purchasing, training, and CMS features. This ensures managers maintain communication with corporate and have on demand access to company information. Having a retail software system like CCM by Chainformation on your Intranet will provide you with mailing features capable of sending and receiving emails and text messages to internal personnel and external contacts. It is quick and easy way to send updates to personnel about meetings, company information, policy changes, promotions, and other company related information. You can also send emails and text messages to partners, affiliates, and vendors. It is the fastest way to provide written details on a daily basis. Phone conversations are quick but unless the conversation was recorded, you cannot confirm what was said. Emails are quick, easy, and verifiable. With a retail software system in place on your Intranet you will have access to purchasing information. You will be able to access product prices, vendor contact information, purchase orders, and product lists. It allows you to prepare quickly and send purchase orders online instead of sending it by mail or spending a long time on the phone placing orders with vendors. This way you can complete your purchase orders and send them to the vendors in minutes.
You do not have to wait to get written confirmation. You can get written confirmation in minutes. Retail locations are better off with a retail software system like CCM by Chainformation. When implemented on your Intranet it provides easy access to online training materials and resources. Managers and employees are able to train online without traveling to training facilities. This will save the company time and money. Personnel will spend more time working at their assigned retail location and the company will save money on traveling expenses. This also eliminates the need for bulky manuals, which takes up space that could be used for storing training computers. When you implement a retail software system with CMS features you will be able to manage content and administrative tools more efficiently. CCM by Chainformation provides a Web Content Plugin that allows users to collaborate and access online content.
You will have easy access to applicable databases, forms, email services, and personnel information. This user-friendly application eliminates the need to contact the Information Technology department for assistance. Administrative privileges can be set up to provide the appropriate personnel with online help resources to fix standard technical issues. With the Intranet, you can implement a practical, out of the box, powerful retail software for communication, education, and content management. You can quickly communicate with personnel using mailing features, access purchase information, have employees and managers train online, and manage content with ease. Your retail locations will run smoother and more organized.